By HempTalk on Tuesday, 09 January 2024
Category: Hemp - Industrial

Fiber Hemp Strains

​Fiber hemp strains are specifically cultivated for their strong, durable fibers, which are used in a wide range of applications including textiles, paper, building materials, and bioplastics. These strains are characterized by their long stalks and low THC content. Here are some notable fiber hemp strains:

  1. Carmagnola
    • Origin: Italy
    • Characteristics: Carmagnola is a dioecious variety (having male and female plants) and is known for its tall and thick stalks. It's a popular choice in the textile industry due to its high-quality fiber.
  2. Futura 75
    • Origin: France
    • Characteristics: This is a monoecious variety (single plants bearing both male and female flowers), widely used in Europe. It's known for producing both good quality fiber and seeds, and is also cultivated for CBD content.
  3. Fibranova
    • Origin: Italy
    • Characteristics: Favoured for its high fiber yield, Fibranova is commonly used in the paper and textile industries. It's also a dioecious variety.
  4. Fedora 17
    • Origin: France
    • Characteristics: This is another monoecious variety, known for its balanced fiber and seed production. It's adaptable to different environmental conditions.
  5. Yunan
    • Origin: China
    • Characteristics: A variety that produces high-quality fibers, widely used in the Chinese hemp industry.
  6. USO 31
    • Origin: Ukraine
    • Characteristics: USO 31 is versatile, used for fiber, seed, and oil production. It's adaptable to various climatic conditions and has a relatively short growing cycle.
  7. Santhica
    • Origin: France
    • Characteristics: Known for its low THC and high CBD content, Santhica is used for both fiber and cannabinoid production.
  8. Kompolti
    • Origin: Hungary
    • Characteristics: This is a dioecious strain used primarily for fiber but also for seed production. Kompolti is well-adapted to the European climate.

These strains are bred for industrial purposes, with an emphasis on the quality and yield of the fiber they produce. They have minimal psychoactive properties due to their low THC content, in compliance with legal requirements in many countries where they are grown. The selection of a particular hemp strain for cultivation usually depends on the end-use, climate, soil type, and other agricultural considerations.

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