By CBD by Medizen on Thursday, 10 September 2020
Category: Editorial

The Best Ways to Take CBD

There is no doubt that for people of all ages, backgrounds and physical conditions, that cannabidiol (CBD) is becoming more and more popular as both a nutritional supplement. And, as the scientific evidence is mounting, showing that CBD has a wide range of therapeutic and medicinal effects, even medical professionals are starting to recommend it as a more holistic, natural, and safer treatment option for even serious conditions such as epilepsy and cancer.

Along with this increase in popularity, CBD companies have been taking note of the wishes and desires of their customers, leading to an influx of sometimes convenient, sometimes novel CBD products consumers can choose from.Long gone are the days when your options were limited to a dropper-bottle of CBD tincture, or (if you were lucky) the odd bottle of gel caps.

Todays CBD market is full of products ranging from CBD infused honey, to CBD coffee, bath bombs and even CBD toothpicks.

And, although this level of choice is fantastic and a sign of a thriving industry, for many people who are introduced to CBD for the first time, all this choice can be confusing.There can be a lot of questions as to how to take CBD and the best ways to take each of the different types of products for which types of symptoms and conditions.

If you are one of these people, read on to find out the best ways for you to take your CBD and how to use which types of products for what types of conditions.

Types of Products

CBD products can roughly be categorized in two categories: systemic products and localized products.As the name suggest, each of these types of products work differently based on how far reaching the effects are.For instance, "systemic" CBD products such gel caps or vaporizer pens, enter the body through the circulatory system in such a way that the entire body is affected.In contrast, products such as lotions and creams are applied to only a specific part of the body, only impacts that localized area.

Within either one of these categories, a wide range of products with a variety of ways to administer CBD is found.This includes products such as tinctures, edibles, topicals, inhalables, waxes, resins… the list goes on.Each of which has its own unique set of advantages, and disadvantages, depending on personal preference and symptomology.

To complicate things even further, within these categories, the type of CBD used can also vary.For instance, because of something known as the "entourage effect" a full-spectrum hemp CBD tincture or oil can have a very difference effect than a 100% pure CBD isolate vape pen does.For more information about the differences between full-spectrum CBD and CBD isolate, read this article [insert link to CBD Pure article: "Full-spectrum vs. Isolate CBD: does it make a difference?"].

Systemic Products

CBD Oil and Extracts

CBD extracts are generally created by removing CBD directly from the seeds, stalks and flowers of the hemp plant.Extraction processes range from relative low-tech methods such as steeping plant materials in ethanol to dissolve and extract the cannabinoids, to highly technical methods such as supercritical or subcritical CO2 extraction.In the latter process, carbon dioxide is used under high pressure and/or low temperatures to isolate the CBD.CO2 extraction is also currently considered the gold-standard in CBD extraction methods.

Generally administered sublingually (i.e. under the tongue), CBD extracts allow for fast absorption through the mucus membranes.Many people also prefer to mix CBD extracts with food or beverages to, especially when giving CBD to children and pets, make administration easier, and/or mask the taste.However, it is important to note that when CBD is swallowed, absorption occurs via the digestive system, making for a slower onset-of-action but a slightly longer duration of effects. For the best results, full-spectrum hemp CBD oils like CBDPure should be used to get all the benefits of the entourage effect as the various cannabinoids and phytonutrients of the hemp plant work synergistically.

Gel Caps

CBD gel caps, as the name suggests, is nothing more than a gelatinous capsule that contains a CBD extracts, sometimes in conjunction with a carrier oil such MCT, or coconut oil.Gel caps are an easy and convenient way to get a precision dose of CBD, and because it feels like taking a "normal" pill, for many people it is the most comfortable and preferred method of consuming CBD.

The downside with gel caps is that , although it provides a sustained, systemic relief for several hours,

onset time can range from as an hour up to several hours, making it one of the longest of any of the consumption methods.


Fast becoming one of the most popular consumption methods due to ease of use - especially for children, and (let's face it), the fun factor involved, edibles are currently dominating the CBD market.The types of edible products are endless, and include everything from gummies, chocolates, and lolly pops, to CBD coffee, tea and even CBD-water.For many people edibles are also a discreet way of dosing CBD throughout the day, while taking the guess-work out of dosing.

Like other methods of oral ingestion, edibles provide long-lasting and sustained relief, but with the same longer onset time found in gel caps. Also, because edibles are delicious, fun and easy to use, it is important to remember that CBD edibles are still a therapeutic agent, and as such, that one should stay mindful of the quantities being ingested at any given time.


Inhalables, also sometimes referred to as smokables, encompass any type of CBD product that need to be inhaled, and include things like CBD e-juices, waxes, resins and vape oils.Probably the fastest way to feel the effects of CBD is through inhalation, most commonly either by using a vape pen or vaporizer.In addition to being fast, inhalation is also most efficient way to consumer CBD as it enters the bloodstream directly through the thin mucous membranes of the lungs.

The downside to this method is that just fast as the onset, the CBD also leaves the body faster, meaning that more frequent dosing is required.Inhalation is also sometimes expensive, inconvenient, and considered less desirable due to the equipment, and experience needed. Inhaling burned organic material, or the chemicals used in vaping products, is generally not a preferred approach for those who are taking CBD for "health" reasons.

Localized Products

Lotions & Creams

CBD infused lotions, creams, rubs and salves are applied directly to the skin, and provide localized relief of a variety of different types of symptoms.The CBD goes directly to work after rubbing the lotion or cream onto the affected areas and relief can be felt in as little as 15 minutes, and can last for hours.Also, because the effect is local, there is no need to worry about over doing it and the product can be re-applied if and when necessary.

CBD lotions are great for relief from symptoms of pain and inflammation, such as rheumatoid arthritis, muscular injury and general aches, pains and strains.They are also great for skin related issues such as acne, eczema and rosacea as well as scrapes, bumps and cuts.


Just like lotions and creams, sprays are another form of topical CBD but without the sometimes oily consistency and ingredients found in lotions and creams.And, because of the gentle nature of CBD sprays, they tend to be better suited to treating burns, rashes and other types of skin injury and irritation.


CBD soaks are an alternative way to get an overall feeling of physical relaxation and induce a calming and soothing body experience.Soaks generally come in two different varieties; CBD infused bath salts, or CBD bath bombs, both of which are often infused with aromatics, essential oils and different types of moisturizers that makes bath time a special experience.

CBD soaks are great for unwinding after a busy day, induce relaxation before bed, sooth skin, and help with sleeping difficulties, stress and anxiety.

Factors to consider

The range of choice when it comes to choosing a CBD product that works for you can be overwhelming.That is why we've listed a couple of factors for consideration that can help guide you during your decision-making process.

1.Why are you using CBD?

Using CBD as a nutritional supplement and for general health and wellness versus using it to treat a specific medical condition will drive not only the type of product and delivery methods, but also things like concentrations, extraction methods, and quality.

2.How severe is your condition?

Again, if you are using CBD to treat a chronic condition such as epilepsy you are going to need a different type of product than if you are treating acute onset pain.

3.How fast do you need relief?

The time of onset of action is an important deciding factor in the type of CBD product is suitable for your symptomology.Inhalation or sublingual administration will provide faster relief than for instance gel caps or gummies.

4. Experience and Convenience

For some people discretion and ease of use are important considerations.

No matter which method you decide is best for you when consuming CBD, be sure to pick a brand that uses only full-spectrum oil whenever possible (isolate products, though THC-free, tend to have less pronounced effects, and are more heavily processed) and choose a product with verifiable third-party lab tests and preferably backed by a guarantee of satisfaction. Well known consumer brands like CBDPure and Charlotte's Web tend to be safe choices for those seeking to benefit from the effects of this potent cannabinoid. 

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