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CBD Popsicles

CBD-infused popsicles can be a creative and refreshing way to enjoy the potential benefits of cannabidiol, especially during warm weather. Here's a simple recipe for making CBD popsicles:

CBD Popsicles Recipe:Ingredients:
  • 1 cup of coconut water (or any liquid of your choice)
  • 1 cup of fresh fruit juice (e.g., orange, pineapple, berry)
  • 1 tablespoon of honey or agave syrup (adjust to taste)
  • Desired amount of CBD oil or CBD tincture (follow the recommended dosage on the product)
  • Fresh fruit slices (optional)
  1. Mixing the Base:
    • In a bowl, combine the coconut water, fresh fruit juice, and honey or agave syrup. Stir well until the sweetener is completely dissolved.
  2. Adding CBD:
    • Add the desired amount of CBD oil or CBD tincture to the mixture. Stir thoroughly to ensure even distribution. Make sure to follow the recommended dosage on your CBD product.
  3. Filling Popsicle Molds:
    • Pour the mixture into popsicle molds, leaving a little space at the top for expansion. If you want, drop in a few fresh fruit slices for added texture and flavor.
  4. Freezing:
    • Place the popsicle molds in the freezer and let them set for about 1-2 hours.
  5. Inserting Sticks:
    • After the mixture has started to freeze, insert popsicle sticks into each mold. This helps keep the sticks in place.
  6. Complete Freezing:
    • Allow the popsicles to freeze completely, usually for 4-6 hours or overnight.
  7. Enjoy:
    • Once fully frozen, run the molds under warm water for a few seconds to loosen the popsicles. Gently remove them from the molds and enjoy your CBD-infused popsicles!
  • Experiment with different fruit juice combinations to find your favorite flavor.
  • Consider using molds that allow you to easily remove individual popsicles.
  • Adjust the sweetness and CBD dosage according to your preferences.

Remember to be mindful of the CBD dosage, and if you have any health concerns or are taking medications, it's advisable to consult with a healthcare professional before incorporating CBD into your diet. Enjoy your homemade CBD popsicles responsibly!

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